So officially as of today there are 69 days until my wedding...and there is still so much to do. I spoke with the florist and they said they would do the teapot centerpieces so I have to find those. We still have yet to meet with the DJ. I have to make and cut the cookies for favors. I still haven't made the headbands I wanted for the girls for the theme photo. And this week has been insane.
I started a new job which in the past few weeks has taken up a bit of my time. I will be working with this job twice a week so we can have a bit more income coming in. So this week beside working Monday-Friday my day job, Wednesday and Friday I worked the second job. To add to that I have been working on a cake for my friends baby shower.
What was supposed to be a simple quick small cake turned into a slightly bigger project when one of my friends who is putting together the party for our pregnant friend asked me to make the cake bigger. And then to add insult to injury as I type this, when I should be working on a cake, I am at work. Now granted I did offer to work. OT pay is nice for one but more then that the co-worker who asked for coverage is one who never asks for anything and always covers everyone else. So really I wouldn't say no at all.
Anyway I don't think it needs to be said that I am fairly exhausted. However I do absolutely love my new job. My only slight issue is that I haven't had any time at all to workout and I have been drinking and eating with no real regard for what I'm putting in my body.
Which honestly wouldn't be a huge issue normally except I have already had my second dress fitting and need to make sure I maintain my weight enough to fit in my dress perfectly without it being to tight or too loose which in and of itself gives me anxiety.
Oh and icing on the cake? My sister, the maid of honor, her dress doesn't fit. I won't even go into that because it was a whole thing and I'm trying not to hold on to negativity right now. But that was a fun thing to find out and try to deal with.
I ordered some dresses for my bachelorette party and bridal shower which two cousins dropped the ball and told me when my shower was...that was a hiccup emotional moment I had to get through but its okay.
And my calendar is just full to the brim with so many events and things to do. The 15th of May we will be going to the venue to finalize the food for the night and then the wedding will be right around the corner. As will my 30th birthday.
These past two years have had so many ups and downs and surprises. Its been an emotional ride, but I cant wait to be 30 and married and beginning the rest of my life with my best friend in the whole wide world. It's going to be an Adventure!