The Boyfriend and I got to our friends house for 10am. We brought Whiskey and doughnuts. Everyone who was there was already in full swing. Eggs were being made, beers were being consumed and the bagels were sitting on the table waiting to be eaten.
The day passed quickly and as usual we were too busy enjoying one another's company to venture out of the house for the parade. Out of no where the snow came down in full force and apperently as we heard from those who actually attended the parade it was the shortest it has ever been.
We left the house to head to another friends mothers house for Cornbeef, cabbage, and soda bread. His large family were already in full swing there partying. The food was amazing and the company was even better.
All in all it was one of the best SI St. Paddy's days I have had and it was wonderful to share it with the people I care for.